What are the reasons that prevent private sector from employing Emiratis?

Aloha my friends, this is our new question for the day “What are the reasons that prevent private sector fom employing Emiratis?” You know in our opinion we think this question is quite intresting because this part would explain and give some reasons to this question.

In this part as a start we will just add a link that got an article written by Andy Sambidge with the title of “More than 500 Emirati jobseekers have been placed on a blacklist designed to combat lax work attitudes that include refusing a number of employment offers.”


Moreover, this isnt going to be the only article, this post will be updated as soon as we get more information from intreviews and so on, this article is talking in general about the reasons that keeps Emiratis blacklisted when seeking for a job. Anyways, this is a start and it will be updated as soon as possible. You are mostly welcomed to write down what do you think about this part.


6 responses to “What are the reasons that prevent private sector from employing Emiratis?

  1. Hello,
    In my opinion I think that private sectors are not very intersted in employing Emiraties because of the repuatation that they get about them which is that they are lazy, careless, and dont put an effort in accomplishing their job. However, that is not right! Ok maybe there are people that act that way but that doesnt mean that all Emiraties are the same!. Another reason is as we discussed in class is that they have to think of the cost of the Emiraties since they have to think of the pentions. In other words Emiraties may cost the company more.

    • Hey Noora,
      yes i totally agree with your point and i think that should be changed! As you mentioned before if there are some Emiratis who are really lazy not hard working, this doesn’t mean all Emiratis are the same.Moreover, private sector should think about giving the Emirati employees a chance to prove themselves and to change the point of view of the private sector because how can that be true if they didn’t have enough proof! And for the second reason you mentioned I also agree with you but again we cannot say this point applies on all Emirati employees maybe some yes it does but the others it may not apply on them.
      Well thank you noora for participating in this discussion 😉

      • Oh! I need to add a point…
        As we discussed and said that private sector should give Emiratis a chance to prove themselves many would ask this question “But how??” In our blog there is a part that is discussing this issue with the title of ” How can we encourage private sector to employ Emiratis?” this part will discuss the whole thing, but just to answer this question quickly in few points i would say that these Private Sector should do for example some part time jobs, training programs, and so on this will be the start for the change i think.

  2. Good morning everyone
    As soon as I read the article’s title “500 Emiratis blacklisted over attitude to jobs” I couldn’t resist reading it. At first, I thought that people are making false judgment or they are applying the stereotyped people on every Emirati, as I continued reading it I found out that it has a logical reason for putting a huge number of Emiratis on the blacklist. As it is mentioned in the article some individuals where very picky in their jobs, they have high expectations while their experiences don’t match it and they even didn’t show up to the interview. Emiratis should be very careful while they are in a work environment because they are representing the whole country. As the number of foreigners is increasing rapidly they create an image about Emirati people from that little sample they see and deal with. And that is why Emiratis who work in the private sector should be responsible for changing that bad image.

    • Hello Afra and Maitha, yes i myself was shocked too. As you send looking through it there are many logical reasons for putting this number of Emiratis blacklisted, and according to me the number one reason is that they are so picky, and their experiences and skills don’t match what the job needs. Thanks for contributing Maitha and Afra 🙂

  3. Lots of assumptions and maybe even prejudice that we deal with here on the supply and demand side of the argument! How to resolve?

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